I've pretty much made the switch. The image search handling is very nice as is video. The thing that put me over the top is having Wolfram Alpha integrated into the system. Seriously, if I'm at some point able to search for data and then process it through some kind of 3-D integration and get my own interpretation just on a search system? Wow. BTW: I love Alpha already just because it does an excellent job of assisting and showing logical steps through&nbs...
Looking for some further development experience, especially creating a GUI and working inside an IDE like V Studio or Eclipse. Anyone, especially of the SD variety welcome to lend advice on what would be a nice small problem to solve. Mostly just for practice, but I have ulterior motives. Background: Pilot becoming an engineer. Know my way around the basics of Java, C++, Matlab, and Labview. No formal data structures training work yet. Working on finagling a G...
Microsoft is offering Windows 7 to students for $30 for a limited time. HOWEVER. As far as I can tell from social.technet, Microsoft and Digital River messed up the OS packaging. Customers who are currently running XP or Vista 32 bit will be unable to successfully extract and run the Win7 64 download download, even if they intend to format a partition and install. Note: You do NOT get an ISO with this purchase. Customers running a 64 bit...
Under the assumption that a major change in computing will inevitably bite me in the ass... For retail versions of Windows 7, are both 32 and 64 bit included? Can a user switch between them? For OEM versions of Windows 7, are both 32 and 64 bit included? And can a user swith between those? How are the hardware manufacturers managing this? (I'm eying a Dell XPS laptop)