I'm looking for some high quality (512x?) icons suitable for large Start 11 icons. I like to have my custom icons take up most all of the space and there's a few items on the start menu from OD that need some attention.
Can I ask how OD works when detecting new versions? I don't normally see it in the task tray or in memory AFAICT, but sometimes it pops up with new program version alerts. Is it normally closed and the programs themselves call OD? That would be perfectly fine I think, I just want to check as I habitually disable updater systems like Adobe and similar. It has nearly always made tracing issues on my system easier.
Fences is a brilliant idea and a very good product. I look forward to using the professional edition. One issue though is that as good as it is to have your stuff be organized and turned into a usable workspace, when you open up Explorer or any other file manager that organization turns to soup. So if I have 20 cpp files in a project pluse 30 image files for a separate project, I go right back to hunting and pecking for the right file when trying to use an 'open' dialogue. W...